Best Mobile App Development Platform for 2025

best mobile app development platform

“Can mobile applications boost conversion rates?”

“Will I be able to make money by choosing the best mobile app development platform?”

Are you looking for the best mobile app development solution?

Driven by the change in human behavior, having a mobile presence is the most important thing for any business development. It not only strengthens your customer base but helps you build your brand all across the international frontier.

Moreover, with the launch of mobile breakthrough solutions, the mobile first companies are going the extra mile in fulfilling the requirements of business verticals with the best in class features and functionalities. That’s how the penetrative challenge for any small scale companies becomes easy in the market.

According to a report from Statista 2021, the number of global mobile users had crossed the 7 billion mark.

So, if you want to boost your business and leverage incessant growth and development, call Info Stans now!

Here we have discussed mobile application development platform lists. Explore below-

1. Angular (Frontend)

Angular is the best mobile app development platform that contributes crucially in developing the web pages and surging the growth of the companies. 

It is an all inclusive and large platform for apps that leverage a plethora of web development solutions to an extended range of companies.

Started back in 2009, it popularly uses JavaScript as its programming language. Right after in 2016, Angular started using Typescript.

Note: Popularly used for developing client side dynamic web pages.

This Mobile app development framework contains directives, controllers, libraries and other components. This becomes a little bit difficult to learn in comparison to other frameworks.

Based on MVC architecture, it is popularly used for creating high performing single page applications.

⚡️ Features:

  • Offers two way data binding
  • Level up the process of application development
  • Offers a large set of Angularjs development services for app development

✅ Pros:

  • Enhanced Design Architecture
  • Ensures Custom directives that improve HTML functionality

❎ Cons:

  • Limited SEO options
  • It has a steep learning curve
  • Quite complex and verbose

2. Vue.Js (Frontend)

Vue.js is one of the top mobile app development platforms used for both desktop and mobile app development with Electron framework. It is an open-source model–view–viewmodel front end JavaScript framework that can smartly integrate third party tools and solutions.

Such an app development platform is lightweight and offers a plethora of tools and features for developing functional user interfaces.

Note: Popularly used for building single page applications and user interfaces for web pages.


  • It has an easy learning curve compared to other frameworks
  • Helps in quick development and deployment

✅ Pros:

  • Light weight and user friendly
  • Ease of use

❎ Cons:

  • Lack of scalability
  • Lack of plugins

 3. React (Frontend)

Developed and maintained by Facebook, React Native is basically a JS library that works as a web framework. It is an open source, cross-platform mobile app development that contributes crucially in developing the Android and iOS mobile applications seamlessly with less efforts comparatively.

Skpye, Tesla, Airbnb and Amazon Prime are using React Native Applications to keep their online platform boosted and smooth.

Do you know why developers choose react native the most? – Faster development and deployment.

So, are you looking for the best mobile app development platform? Contact Info Stans now! We are here to help you.

Note: Popularly used for developing single page front end applications.


  • Offers seamless integration with third party plugins
  • Ensures state management and integration with API
  • Conduct smooth operations of routing
  • Super easy and convenient to integrate with other libraries
  • Ensures quick manipulation in the documents through a virtual DOM

✅ Pros:

  • Ensures live and hot reloading
  • Larger development community
  • Offers ready made solutions and a vibrant library

❎ Cons:

  • Difficult to debug
  • Offers immature framework

4. jQuery (Frontend)

jQuery is the best mobile app development platform. It is popularly used hybrid mobile application platforms known for its simplistic approach and cross browser compatibility. Such a mobile app platform uses JavScript library and HTML for developing responsive websites that work smoothly on multiple devices like desktops, tablets and smartphones.

Note: Helps in building platform-independent applications and user interfaces.

It provides hassle free interaction between the structure of syntax and the elements of DOM. Through this, you can definitely customize the themes for your web and mobile applications. Start creating animations and extraordinary effects into your Mobile app design  for a significant user interaction.


  • Offers a plethora of plugins with easy to add up functionalities
  • Extensively support libraries
  • Ensures easy documentation

✅ Pros:

  • Light weight and easy to use
  • Good documentation

❎ Cons:

  • Offers limited functionality
  • UI doesn’t have much things to offer

5. Ember (Frontend)

Ember.js is a battle tested and productive JavaScript framework that offers excellent features for creating highly functional applications for your business.

Who all has been using this framework?

Google, Microsoft, Apple, Heroku, LinkedIn and Netflix.

It is an open source, free JavaScript framework used mainly for developing modern web applications by providing a complete solution.

Note: You can build rich UIs to everything that works on your device


  • Offers high performance thoroughly
  • Ensures a well maintained and extensive documentation
  • Widely supports code debugging

Let’s Make Money From Apps by building the mobile application in the most latest framework.

✅ Pros:

  • It has great documentation
  • Offers coherent dev tooling

❎ Cons:

  • Lack of online resources
  • Tough to learn

6. Django (Backend+Frontend)

Django is a powerful Python web framework that encourages rapid development and deployment. That’s why it has an extremely high demand among the businesses and developers.

Being one of the best platform for mobile app development, it takes care of the hassle and hardwork goes into the development so developers can focus on writing the application.

Note: Used for building web pages in Python and designing  complex and large business projects

Do you know?

NASA, Instagram and Disqus are some of the top corporations using Django for handling their backend operations.

The biggest corporations such as Instagram, Disqus, and NASA use Django to handle their backend operations. Some of the key features of Django are messaging, in-built validation, and authentication. This framework is suitable to design complex and large business projects.


  • Offers an in built validation
  • Offers the best documentation in the market with a very well established library
  • Offers a high level of security and authentication in maintaining the quality of work done 

✅ Pros:

  • Flexible framework
  • Faster development
  • Machine learning capabilities

❎ Cons:

  • Not for smaller projects
  • Steep learning curve

7. Ruby on Rails (Backend)

Ruby on Rails is the oldest and best platform to create mobile apps. This is a full stack framework that builds amazing web applications on both the front and back end. It gives developers a framework along with a structure for all the code they write.

Note: Helps you in building the backend of applications.

This framework supports complex algorithms for designing the functional logic to deal with complex business problems. Moreover, it abstracts and simplifies common repetitive tasks that makes website development easy and smooth.

You can find extensive tools and libraries for creating cloud based applications. Some of the popular apps built in this area are Groupon, Airbnb, GitHub and Hulu.


  • It ensures speedy development
  • It is based on MVC architecture that maintains separate code resource layer
  • Comes with a unit testing tool that ensure the performance of the application

✅ Pros:

  • Easy to learn for basics
  • It has huge and active community

❎ Cons:

  • Shortage of flexibility
  • Continuous evolvement

8. Laravel (Backend)

Laravel is a PHP based web application framework with expressive and elegant syntax. It works on the concept and paradigms of PHP scripting language.

Laravel is a PHP-based framework that fundamentally works on the concept and paradigms of PHP scripting language. This is the best platform for android app development.

Laravel works on the MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture and offers API support that altogether makes the framework quite extensive and adaptive.

Note: Mostly used for designing the backend of web applications


  • Offers easy and good documentation
  • It includes integrated email services that automate the response smoothly
  • Makes a simpler authentication. One only need to configure model, views and controllers

✅ Pros:

  • It has built in control system
  • Simplified email integration system
  • Easy exception handling

❎ Cons:

  • This framework is easy to learn, but difficult to master
  • No built-in support function

9. Express.JS (Backend)

Express.JS is a fast, unopinionated and minimalistic web application that contributes crucially in building highly productive web applications. So what would be the Mobile app development cost if I choose this framework?

Generally the cost depends upon the selection of features and plugins, types of technologies used, level of complexity and time period. Also if you are looking for cross platform mobile app development services, call us now.

Note: Popularly used by large scale corporations and enterprises because it is highly flexible in nature.

It comes with in-built features and functionalities that sets your application apart. You can use this for designing functional applications.

Looking for the best platform to develop mobile apps? We are just a call away. Reach us now!


  • Data manipulation becomes easy due to MVC structure
  • A quicker I/O speed up the responses to the user requests
  • Extremely beneficial for API development

✅ Pros:

  • You can use same language to code frontend
  • Easy to integrate several third party applications

❎ Cons:

  • It has several issues in the callbacks

10. Flask (Backend)

Flask is a web application written in Python. It includes in-built debuggers, web server and unit testing support that differentiates your application from the rest.

Note: You can use this framework for building robust, lightweight and high performing applications.


  • Flask is a lightweight framework for building web application
  • Ensures overall good and easy documentation

✅ Pros:

  • Open source and high performance
  • Offers robust routing
  • Ensures rapid development

❎ Cons:

  • Performance bottlenecks with heavy computation tasks
  • Immature tooling

Are you looking for some more mobile application development platforms list? Reach out to us now!

Also read: 10+" rel="nofollow" Best Mobile App Development Frameworks in 2025

The final words

Above discussed are some of the best platforms for mobile app development that will be high in demand catering the ever increasing demand of various businesses. So, if you are still planning to build an application, speed up now! If not today, then you may lag behind.

Info Stans is the most trusted web and mobile application development company in USA, India. If you are looking for someone who can help your business from scratch, call us now!

Popular FAQ

Express.js, Angular, Django, Ember, Laravel are some of the popularly used mobile app development platforms.
  • Search for the best mobile app development company
  • Look for their portfolio and service offerings
  • Look for App testing solutions
  • For the best results, contact Infostans now for choosing the most effective mobile app development platforms.

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