How to speed up WordPress site? Is it possible?
Are you facing tremendous losses just because of loading speed?
Do you want to increase WordPress website speed?
Let’s know ‘why’ and learn from experts on how to overcome it.
So, WordPress is an open-source Website Development and Content Management System.
According to Kinsta, WordPress holds 38% of the market share in website development. It is an ever-growing platform for customization that improves the user experience.
It offers a fine blend of plugins and features that make it ultra popular and most chosen. But, once a while, we face one major problem- Slow Down in Website Speed.
This has always been a hot topic because your SEO ranking significantly depends on the same. Read and implement these tricks to increase WordPress website speed.
Here we have discussed some of the different measures to reduce the loading time of a website. Follow these trusted tricks to increase WordPress Website Speed.
Why speed up WordPress sites?
WordPress site speed optimization is really an essential factor to focus on. If you don’t focus on the performance of your website you may lose your customers soon. This can have a negative impact on your Google ranking.
Do you know, 53% of the visits are likely to bounce back when your site takes 3 second long loading time? Because people expect a page to load in less than 2 seconds.
So if your WordPress site slows down, 79% of the users are less likely to buy the product from your site once they face a negative experience.
And similar to that, if your e-commerce site has a loading time of more than two seconds, 87% of carts will get abandoned, a problem for retailers.
A speed up WordPress site has greater chances for improving the position in SERPs. Are you wondering how to test the performance of your site?
How to test the loading time of a WordPress website?
Generally, the loading time of a WordPress website varies from page to page. For an instance, it depends on-
- Size of the page
- Depends on the presence of cache
- Generation of requests
- Also, take a note of whether it hosts (dynamic or static) content
You must pay attention especially to the home page that releases a lasting impression. It acts as a benchmark for your targeted demographics. However, use these tools to effectively test the loading time of your WordPress site-
- PageSpeed Insights
You can also Hire WordPress Developer to test and increase WordPress website speed.
Okay. Now, once you have tested the loading time, let’s learn how to increase WordPress website speed.
How to speed up WordPress sites?
Are you worried about WordPress slow loading? Are you struggling to reduce the bounce rate because your
online buyers are no longer waiting?
So, when your WordPress site loading slow, follow these proven strategies (Tried & Tested) to increase the performance.
1. The right selection of web hosting provider
One of the essential factors that result in WordPress slow loading, is the inappropriate selection of a web hosting provider. You need to pay attention while choosing web hosting as the speed of your website broadly depends on it.
At the initial level, you may opt for cheap hosting services to cut the cost, but ultimately, you need to rest at the premium hosting only. This is so because it delivers the best-in-all performance to your visitors.
It would be a worthy investment to look for a trusted web hosting provider like- DigitalOcean, Google Compute Engine, SiteGround, Amazon Web Services, and others.
- You can buy dedicated cloud servers
- Select the well-optimized servers
And, for the best results, connect with the professional WordPress Development Company to increase WordPress website speed significantly.
2. Optimizing the size of the images
Images are an important element for any website development. It communicates faster where words fail to.
However, on the other hand, it often results in WordPress slow loading when you don’t optimize the size of the image.
So, the catch is – optimizing the images as well as maintaining the quality level.
And if you try to manually work and go for either Photoshop or Chrome Extension, it may consume more time.
But, there are a few speed up WordPress site plugin available that can take the charge to optimize the image without compromising quality. These plugins are-
- EWWW Image Optimizer
- Optimole
- WP Smush
Use these WordPress plugins to increase WordPress website speed. If you fail to do so, you may lose precious bandwidth.
3. Make use of caching mechanism with the caching plugin
Are you planning how to optimize WordPress website? Make use of the caching mechanism. This reduces the complexity and simplifies the loading state of your website.
Caching Plugins like W3 Total Cache are already available for a long time to help you optimize the website with the most relevant and seamless impression.
Various other plugins like Varnish also come with an advanced mechanism that saves your time and simultaneously improve the performance for a wide reach and frequency.
You can also hire developers for WordPress Plugin Development for fully-fledged functionality.
4. Role of ads in a site optimization
Though advertisements are a great source of revenue, bombarding too much could be the real reason for a slow loading time. You can go for these easy tricks to manage the ads without impacting the performance of the site-
- Adding links to the image of the products
- Another is using the text links for boosting the impression
- Do not only rely on the third party networks
- Avoid adding local ad track code
PRO TIP: Either keep on reducing the no of server intensive ads or select those ads that won’t stress your website loading time.
5. Uninstalling or deactivating the plugins
Do you still keep unwanted plugins? This unnecessarily adds junk to your website which affects the performance tremendously.
Because it will further add up the backup limit when you don’t uninstall the unwanted plugins. And in return, this creates pressure on the loading time.
Therefore, it is advisable to discard, deactivate and uninstall the unwanted plugins and simultaneously, look for third-party services for scheduling tasks.
Zapier and IFTTT are the best services that streamline the automation tasks and help you get rid of unwanted junk. All these altogether improve server response time in WordPress.
6. Using the content delivery network (CDN)
Do you know the majority of the big blogs are using CDN especially the Copyblogger to keep the loading time bare minimum?
How CDN works?
A CDN maintains a replica of your website into multiple data centers to serve the data from the nearest location.
It collects the static files from different locations and smartly integrates them so users can download with the utmost ease.
MaxCDN and Cloudflare are one of the most trusted and effective CDN services.
You can hire WordPress developers to give it a try for optimizing the site performance. It has a quite simplified dashboard system to understand the metrics and evaluate for a better insight.
7. Optimizing the home page of your site
Your home page is the landing page to your website that holds the power to attract a wider spectrum of audience. This is a very simple yet impactful strategy that ALWAYS WORKS.
Here are a few tips and tricks on how to increase WordPress website speed-
- Do not show full posts. Show only excerpts
- Eliminate the unrequired widgets and plugins
- Go for only quality content instead of making it verbose
- Minimize the number of post on your page
Thus, to improve the performance of your site, you need to optimize the home page. Try to keep it clean and clear WordPress web design. Add only relevant information and go for selected and most-required plugins.
Summing up all, this is how to reduce server response time WordPress by eliminating the clutter significantly.
8. Adjusting the Gravatar images
Gravatar images are the public profiles that identify the posts when you interact with the website.
Why is Gravatar used for?
It is a globally recognized author that follows you from one site to another creating your online presence using the IMG tag.
So, to adjust the Gravatar images, visit the settings sections. Configure and optimize your profile with the relevant profile picture.
Unnecessarily goofing up the profile logo will impact the loading speed.
9. Enabling the GZIP compression
Do you know, you can save a lot of disk space by compressing the files into your computer?
And with the GZIP compression, your website will store all the information into zips. So, whenever any user lands your site, it will unzip the site.
You can use this PageSpeed Ninja or enable the code into a .htaccess file to reduce server response time with WordPress .htaccess.
10. Selection of the theme for WordPress website
You would be surprised to know but, the selection of themes in the WordPress website plays an integral role in optimization.
Do you know, the Twenty Nineteen theme is known as the Default WP theme is really fast and light-weighted by nature?
It comes with a plethora of relevant features and functions that stimulate performance. You can hire WordPress developers who can reduce page load time with the WordPress plugin.
So, an incredible and solid framework is effective enough to speed up the loading time. Since these plugins are open for customization, you can get much benefit when it comes to user-friendliness.
11. Reducing the DOM size in WordPress
As per Google PageSpeed Insights, it is imperative to reduce the number of DOM elements in WordPress.
The larger the DOM size, the larger would be the memory usage.
For an instance, you need to paginate the comments to avoid overloading and also select the well-coded themes for seamless functioning.
As a result, you must-
- Split the larger pages into the multiple pages
- Working on unwanted CSS
- Paying attention to pagination
Have you improved your WordPress loading time?
Thus, improving your WordPress loading time is of paramount importance. All you need is to follow these tried and tested strategies to eliminate the unwanted junk that affects the performance of the site.
You will be benefitted here with your WordPress SEO. It boosts your ranking and reaches out to a vast group of audiences. In that route, if you require any professional assistance, contact us. We would not only streamline the loading time but also suggest advanced ways for a long term approach.
Info Stans is the trusted WordPress Development Company in India and USA. We have an experienced team of developers that improves the user experience with a faster loading time.
So, if you haven’t yet improved the site, DO IT NOW. Your audience may choose your competitors over you. Don’t Wait. Act Today!
Call us now to book an appointment. Our proven tricks will surely improve your performance like never before.
Popular FAQ:
● Selection of web hosting
● Holding unwanted plugins and more
● Deactivate unwanted junk
● Enable GZIP compression and more